Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela, while still a young lawyer and chairman of the ANC
May 10, 1994, a great momentum for South Africa, perhaps the largest in history.
"No one in this country will be a group that returned under other groups. May God protect Africa. "
When Nelson Mandela became the first black president in South Africa. With the new laws are modern and the end of apartheid.
Birth of apartheid
Year 1930 in Germany Hendrik Verwoerd, a white man to know and understand nasionalsosialisme strongly influenced Nazi ideology of racism being waged. She then gave birth to the idea of apartheid in colonialism.
White people like Verwoerd view themselves as members of the elite in the black continent. Verwoerd and nationalist parties defines apartheid as a separate development, between the privileged and are considered inferior.
As minister for native affairs issues, Verwoerd who later became Prime Minister of South Africa 7th placing the majority of black people in the country to a special area called Bantustan or Homelands. Residential areas is provided only for blacks.
Separation of races that determine the order of life in general. In public places set strict rules of separation between whites and non-white. Mixed marriages are prohibited. With the Group Areas Act in 1950 to separate residential area. Education and employment are also set based on race. Outside the black Homelands should always carry a passport.
Anti-apartheid action
Due to suppression and racism, emerging protest movement organized ANC African National Congress, which later became a mass movement. Demonstrations, boycotts, strikes and mass burning passports.
One of the main activist Nelson Mandela was a young lawyer, who later became chairman of the ANC. 1960 in the south of Johannesburg 20 thousand black citizens without passports stormed a police station, authorities let him arrested. The demonstration ended with mass murder.
Then banned ANC. Nelson Mandela armed resistance in the underground movement, by attacking industrial centers. In 1964 under the leadership ranks of the movement were arrested. Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu dkenai lifer. In court Mandela stressed he was willing to die for his vision.
isolated international
With the implementation of the apartheid system of South Africa increasingly isolated international community. Trade sanctions and political finance in the late 1980s complicate nationalist government. Pressure from street protests, the ban on the world championship and the Olympic Games led to the government of Frederik Willem De Klerk eventually to negotiate with the African National Congress, ANC with the expiration of the terms of the violence.
In a speech in parliament President De Klerk in 1990 announcing the end of exile and reform activists. Nelson Mandela was released February 11, 1990 at the age of 74 years, after being held 27 years. He successfully through a period of detention is due no doubt to its mission.
He then received the Nobel Peace Prize together with De Klerk. 1994 lasted for free and fair elections for the first time in South Africa. Mandela was elected as the first black president. His government put an end to the apartheid system and pioneered national reconciliation.
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